Pub 76 has implemented our Small Games of Chance License (#SGC22010). If you would like to participate in our daily number drawing, purchase rip tickets, or take part in any future contests that we hold in house, this will require you to become a Pub 76 Member.
To apply for Membership, choose one of the following:
- Complete the digital form below, along with a credit card payment.
- Download and print a paper copy of our Membership Application. Once completed, you may drop if off along with your payment at Pub 76 during regular business hours.
For any questions related to membership, automatic billing and credit card information, please contact:
Jimmy Arbogast — (724) 992-1233
Thank you for your support of Pub 76 and the Stoneboro Volunteer Fire Department!
Submit an Application
House Rules
All members are required to agree to the House Rules of Pub 76 as part of the application process:
House Rules of Pub 76, Inc.
- No Minors are to be seated or present at the bar.
- Personal identification may be checked at any time, only picture IDs are acceptable.
- Any patron that is visibly intoxicated will be refused service and asked to leave.
- Drinks are not to leave Pub 76 property or the outdoor seating area.
- No drugs or controlled substances are permitted on or in the facility.
- No smoking within the facility.
- Firearms or other items that could bring possible harm or injury are not permitted in Pub 76.
- All customers are to vacate the premises at the scheduled closing time.
- Reserved parking indicated by red lines and markers are for firefighters of the Stoneboro Volunteer Fire Company only. Violators will be towed at their own expense.
- Belligerent and or threatening behavior will not be tolerated and will be met with immediate dismissal.
- This is a Family friendly environment. Use of foul language or gestures will not be tolerated.
If any of the House Rules are violated, Pub 76 reserves the right to terminate your membership without reimbursement.